Polson Iron Works - Engine Builds, 1912

These "Engine Builds" pages list the ships whose registration shows that Polson engines were used.
There is a separate page for each year. The menu on the left lets you click to select a page for a particular year, or you can click on a ship name to see registration details.

Engine Builds

Joe Goodwin

Date Registered:
[ 1912/08/20 ] Official Number: [ 131084 ]

First Registration
Name: [ JOE GOODWIN ] Location: [TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA ] Registriation: [ 18/1912 ] Date Registered: [ 1912/08/20 ] Official Number: [ 131084 ] First Registration: [ YES ]

Original Building Information:
Built By: [ JOSEPH GOODWIN TORONTO ] Built At: [ TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA ] Date Built: [ 1912 ] Length: [ 48.40 ] Beam: [ 14.00 ] Gross: [ 38.37 ] Net: [ 26.10 ]

Vessel Description:
Deck: [ ONE ] Type: [ CARVEL ] Stern: [ROUND ] Gallery: [NONE ] Stem: [ PLAIN ] Frame: [ WOOD ] Propulsion: [ STEAM SCREW ] Number of Masts: [ NONE ] Type of Rig: [ NONE ]

First Engine:
Type of Engine: [ HIGH PRESSURE ] Number of Engines: [1 ] Date Built: [ 1912 ] Built by: [H.W. PETRIE TORONTO ] Horsepower: [ 2.70 ] Unit Horsepower: [COMBINED ]

Boiler Information
Type of Boiler: [ FITZGIBBON L. PRESSURE ] Number of Boilers: [1 ] Built by: [POLSON IRON WKS. LTD., TORONTO ] Date: [1897 ]

Closing Information
Date of Reason Closed: [1927/06/18 ] Reason Closed: [TRANSFERRED ] Place Closed: [ ST. CATHARINES, ONTARIO, CANADA ]

Source of Data
N.A.C., RG-42, C-7635, VOL. 485A