Polson Iron Works Ships Built 1886

These are the ships built by Polson Iron Works in this year.
The sources of information for each ship (National Archives of Canada, N.A.C., Mills List, etc.),
are listed, along with other information, specifications, engine information and
links to a ship's 'Story,' if we have it.
If you know anything that we don't, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
Use the menu on the left to see what ships were built in each year.

Ship Builds


(1189) 60 x 14 x 6

Owned by:
C. Robertson, Toronto 1886; E. J. Burk, Toronto 1895; E. Adamson, Toronto 1901.

Building Information
Built by Polson Iron Works, Toronto 1886.

First Engine
Engine 10x11 by Inglis & Hunter, Toronto.

Vessel Description


First Registration
Name: [ MOCKING BIRD ] Location: [OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, CANADA ] Registriation: [ 2/1886 ] Date Registered: [ 1886/06/08 ] Official Number: [ 85330 ]. Mills List # 3757.

Original Building Information
Built By: [ WM. POLSON & CO. ] Built At: [ TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA ] Date Built: [ 1886 ] Length: [ 72.00 ] Beam: [ 11.80 ] Depth: [ 4.20 ] Gross: [ 38.02 ] Net: [ 25.85 ]. Moved to Lake Winnipegosis in 1899.

Vessel Description
Deck: [ ONE ] Type: [ CARVEL ] Stern: [ROUND ] Gallery: [NONE ] Figure: [ YES ] Stem: [ BIRD ] Frame: [ WOOD ] Propulsion: [ STEAM SCREW ] Number of Masts: [ ONE ] Type of Rig: [ NONE ].

First Engine
Type of Engine: HIGH PRESSURE, Number of Engines: ONE, Date Built: 1886, Built by: WM. POLSON & CO. TORONTO Horsepower: 20

Owned by
E. Todd, Owen Sound, 1886;
J. Maloney, Port Arthur, 1895;
P. McArthur, Westbourne Manitoba, 1901.

Closing Information
Date Registration Closed: 1938/11/15, Date of Reason Closed: 1901, Reason Closed: SANK, Place Closed: LAKE WINNEPEGOSIS, MANITOBA, CANADA

Source of Data
N.A.C., MG-40, D3 B.T., B-3718, 1886, VOL. 2 - OWEN SOUND, and Mills List.


Registration: 90577. Mills List #5706

Building Information:
Built and owned by Polson Iron Works, Toronto.

Launched August 7, 1886.

Engine 12x12 by builder.

Vessel Description
84 x 12 x 7. 56 gross tons. Wooden yacht.

Closing Information
Register closed 1910


92439, Mills List #4641

Owned by
J. Hanlan, Toronto 1886;
M. McMurchy, Toronto 1895.

Built by
Polson Iron Works, Toronto 1886.

8 x 7 by builder.

Vessel Description:
41 x 9 x 4, 7 gross tons. Wood yacht

Register closed 1913.